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Oct 6, 2017

What if tomorrow an Alien Invades

What if tomorrow an Alien Invades

Ignore is what we can do if we can’t face the truth,
But we will face it one day if human live until then.
Neither an Article nor a Poem,
It’s only a Logic I want to present…

Who will be the Powerful? A question that may make sense,
Who find the first will be a better side then.
Peace is the only massage that can draw the quest,
But what if our internal war that does not end…

What if tomorrow an Alien Invades,
Will Humanity find a place to hide?
Or be one of the species that extinct with our bite,
Or Just be added to their entertain site…
                                                                                (Written at NewYear{2069BS} Morning)

Understanding the World

Understanding the World

I have always been wondering about the things around me and this world where we are present. Like child of a year i wonder why the things are and what are them for, little grown up sometime i also think why am i here. Always trying to understand how they works, their origin and their future. Thinking myself as a human actually what's the purpose and the duty of being the most superior then other beings. Most of the time I dint like the way we are and we act but for the nature i love the way it is except the disaster's that hit this world time to time. May be for non living this world is just as systematic as they should act as but for us (Living Beings) we are designed to Understand this world and make it wonder world. Designed! are we made by other like a computer we design, Certainly not' i don't think so coz i have believe in Darwin's theory that we have developed our self form a singular cells that had desired to be alive. No matter how we develop our thinking towards this world but our future entirely depends upon- How the Cycle of this World will act? and how we react?
         It may be difficult to change the systematic cycle of the World but what we are doing and is going to do is in our control. Leaving behind all the theories written above now what i believe is what i do now. Yes, our present, learning from the past to make our future i have realized this world if gonna change then it will be only possible if we act now together. Yes not only me but "we" together we can to make this uncertain world a better place to live for. If we have to make our generation to survive for a long then we have to bring about a positive change in our living and explore and understand this world as fast as possible. That's what i believe and what i think we should...

Understanding the World.

Every creature, from its birth till the death is in the process of  “understanding the world”. Our introduction with the world begins with our birth and for our whole life there is the entire for us to understand. Understanding the world is the most basic and necessary activity in our life. Knowingly or unknowingly we do it all the time, being aware or even being unaware with it. We are so much in it that we don’t even care we are doing it. It is so much in us and has been the core of our soul. A baby learning its basic steps of life, a cub getting trained to hunt, a deer running to save its life, a spider knitting its web, an elephant in search of water, a worker giving best out of his/her labor or a scientist diving deep into a theory, seems all have their own world to understand. But the world is one, so all creatures have a common purpose of understanding this world.
From the origin of living beings, they have always advance towards adoption with environment and multiplication of same type in order to save their species. They have developed the best defense system as much as possible to tackle with challenging and unstable nature around. From the smallest virus and bacteria’s to we the human and the whales, for all living beings the rule is simple that is- to adopt as environment or to make the environment adopt you in order to survive. (e.g. “Animals develop hairs to adopt coldness but we change the environment around us by building house and wearing clothes.”) Here adoption mean’s not only to change physically but also the change in every action and daily habits and survival is for whole species. Now the question arises – “How can we adopt to environment around for survival?                                                                                           
     The scientific answer may be hidden under the complex biological and physical process but to govern that process knowledge of the surrounding is the most. So only by understanding what’s going around and what steps to be taken we can adopt to environment for survival.      

Aug 6, 2012


THE ULTIMATE QUEST                            (a Logic)

"Creation" the Quest of all the Time,
"God" is the answer to Lazy Mind.
Universe may not have beginning neither the end.
Science says it all started with the "Big Bang",
But Creator's Creator will be the "Quest" still then.

What if there "Nothing" rather than Everything!
Can Everything Evolved out of Nothing?
"Matter and Energy"," Space and Time"
Could all this be of Same Kind?

Is there always "an Option or a Choice"?
Our decision could be like Robotic Voice.
Everything around us can be an "Illusion",
If so, The "Grand Design" will be an easiest Solution.

What is Human “Ultimate Aim”?
Have you ever asked yourself "Why you came?"
"Discoveries, Invention, Exploration" what after then!
Is "Knowledge" to Survive or we live for it?
"Understanding the World" is the Ultimate Myth.

Sep 19, 2011

The phenomenal power of the human mind

Read this:
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

Optical illusion...

Stare at the 4 little dots on the middle of the picture for 30 seconds
*     then look at a wall near you
*     a bright spot will appear
*     twinkle a few times and you‘ll see a figure
*     What do you see? Or even WHO do you see? 


Evolution of Science

Flash back to the early stage of human era, look above’ probably you see the sun, very far but very effective. The dark fall as it disappears but in the very same sky thousand’s of stars appears along with the shape changing sun like thing but not that effective. Some of you may think of a God, but No, I am talking about the period after the god existed. After all God are also the product of human mind created from some intellectual people during the development of civilization, for ordinary people and threat for criminal brain to maintain law and order in the society. Not even the period of early man or the time of invention of fire. I’m talking about the time when we were just like the animals. Yes an Animal, now take yourself as an animal. You see the river but don’t have knowledge how it originated although the mountains stands just before and rain wets you time to time. You hear the sound but take it only as a warning to run. You eat but don’t have an idea what you throw comes from. You have sexual intercourse but don’t know your own children’s; you take care of them only because your partner loves them and your partner does because she thinks it as her body part. But then think for a while how we human from the same species of animal put down them far behind to be as we are now.
             May be the weakest side of us have helped us. We cannot run like a deer or fight back like a wild buffalo to save our life from the predators. But the same things can be done by putting forward the mind just like we reached on the moon before birds which they have been trying thousands of years before we even thought of doing though they can fly. Yes by the use of brain we are the supreme species in this planet. Our brain consumes about 25 percentage of the total energy needed by our body which is very high than any other animals. As it was difficult for female to run with four legs as well as to carry her children to save life from predators, she slowly developed to walk and run with two legs so she can use other two to carry her child. Moving with two legs saved about 40 percent of our energy which could be utilized for brain. As being the weakest animal we sharpen our brain to overcome our weakness. Another thing which can be considered is the sex. Dolphin is the only animal other than us to have sex for entertainment and which is the second smartest animal after human. So is being sexy is also to be smartest? There may be many reasons for how we have developed our brain to be as intelligent as we are now, but the development process required thousands of year passing knowledge generation to generations. Hadn’t our ancestor recognized the power of brain and passed it to their next generation by the mean of interaction, stories, books, schools etc, we could have remained as the other animals or had already extinct.
            With the development of our brain, it introduced us with the science, the science of physical things, environment, biology, astronomy to the modern quantum. The present Science is the collection of knowledge before the period of discovery of fire when we started using our brain. Science does not only explain about the physical part but also its spiritual side, like it not only says the earth moves round the sun but also define why it does. Before we could not even express the term- the sun and the moon but now we not only can explain why it disappear and change its shape but also utilize it to measure the time. Science with our brain have developed so much that it has define itself (our brain) and is trying to create it in form of computers and Roberts. Had not there been the power of thinking towards why things are and why it happens, there wouldn’t be this subject which we read now. There could be other type of science evolved in other part of the universe by an alien but for us Science is all about the facts and knowledge we gathered, it’s about what we think and illustrate it in systematic way. Though Science has its own identity in the universe but it could not be understood without our brain and common sense. So we can say that the ‘evolution of science’ is the history of how we developed our brain and our intelligence.